Inspiring Change with Waste Management Project Initiatives in Auki Town  

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AUKI Township in Malaita Province has changed a lot after the completion of the Auki Market Vendor Association campaign on waste management in partnership with the Malaita Provincial Government.

Auki Market Vendor Association (AMVA) President Joy Ramo told Solomon Women that the Association’s campaign on waste management with the Malaita Provincial Government (MPG) has created positive changes within the Auki market and Auki Township as a whole.

Auki AMVA members with their recycle products.

“Big changes have happened in Auki, especially how the Malaita Provincial Government responding positively in providing rubbish bins in public areas, daily picking of rubbish by the council trucks and providing high benches for rubbish bins,” the President said.

She said that now there is a clean environment after the Association advocated waste in Auki.

Meanwhile, Joy acknowledges donors for the support towards the waste management campaign and also highlighted that AMVA is looking forward to more new projects.

“With our upcoming new projects, we will be focusing on healthy ways of preparing food in the marketplace and clean environment in the marketplace in line, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic health awareness,” the President said.

For now, the president and her executive members are pleased with the positive outcome and are looking forward to creating more positive changes for the Auki market after the next upcoming project.

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