Bad Weather Conditions to Continue for Next Several Days

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THE constant heavy rain and windy weather conditions that is associated with Tropical Cyclone Fili will continue to affect most parts of the country during this week as it moved for New Caledonia.

The bad weather associated by Cyclone Fili (a category 2 storm) will remain in the country, according to Solomon Islands Meteorology Service (SIMS) forecasting officer, Edward Maru.

“There is no direct threat to Solomon Islands but Fili would contribute to unstable weather over the country as it is now moving away to New Caledonia ,’’ he said.

SIMS urged the general public to consider safety decision as such bad weather have the potential to impact lives and properties.

Tropical Cyclone Fili formed over the eastern Coral Sea on Tuesday morning and is currently located just outside the Eastern Region of Australia’s area of responsibility for tropical cyclone monitoring, according to Weather-Zone.

The Weather-Zone reports that Fili would bring wet and windy weather across parts of eastern New South Wales and Queensland, Australia in the second half of the week.

It reported that if the low does pass to the west of Norfolk Island, this would increase the wind and rain over eastern Australia.

The weather-zone pointed out that the passing of tropical cyclone could still cause damaging winds and heavy rain over northern parts of New Caledonia in the middle of the week.

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