STRONG wind warning number three has been issued at 4pm today Monday 13 June.
This is for the waters of Temotu, Makira, Rennell and Bellona and the southern waters of Russell Islands, Guadalcanal and western provinces.
The Solomon Islands weather forecasting office issued strong wind warning number three following strong wind warning number one on Sunday 12 June 4 pm.
The strong wind warning is in current due to an easterly trade wind flow that persists over the Solomon Islands.
According to the statement, the easterly trade wind would reach 20 to 25 knots with moderate to rough seas and moderate southerly swells over mentioned provinces.
With the potential to impact lives and property the Solomon Islands meteorology service is urging people within the mentioned areas to take precautionary measures.
The weather office also urged sea travellers to consider safety actions before travelling as such wind can produce dangerous wave circumstances which are hazardous to small boats.
The easterly trade wind is the permanent east to west prevailing winds that flow in the earth’s equatorial region, the weaker the trade wind become the more rainfall can be expected.
The next strong wind warning will be issued at 7 am Tuesday, 14TH June according to the Weather forecasting office in Honiara.