Single Use Plastic Products to be Banned in Solomon Islands

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PUBLIC awareness to ban single use plastics in the country will start soon. A Technical Working Committee is now well into its preparation to have the regulation in place.

Chaired by the MECDM Deputy Secretary Corporate Mr. Karl Kuper, the Technical Working Committee is tasked to see that a regulation be put in place and enforce by 1 September 2023. The regulation will seek to ban single use plastics from import, manufacture, distribution and its sale in the country.

Categories of plastics that will be affected by the ban are Plastic shopping bags, Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) drinking bottles less than 1.5L ; Plastic Straws, Polystyrene Styrofoam takeaway boxes, Cups, plates and Plastic cutleries like food containers, forks, knives, and spoons.

Consultation with importers, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers and users will commence soon to allow time for everyone to adjust to the new changes. Consultation will be done both in the capital Honiara and out in the Provinces.

“To be fair on everyone we must be ready to give ample time to importers and users of single use plastics to adjust to the new Law and to find alternative means to fill in the gap the regulation will create in terms of sustaining their livelihood” Chairperson of the Technical Working Committee Mr Kuper said.

The drafting Instructions for the Regulation is complete and will be passed on to the Attorney Generals Chambers for the drafting of the regulations.

The hosting of the Pacific Games 2023 in the Solomon Islands is one of DCGA Governments flagship undertakings and this initiative is part of the Governments overall effort to stage a Safe and Green Games for the region in November this year.

News Source: Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology

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