Malaita Youths Urged to Take Up Fish Farming

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ALICK Kona, the Assistant Fisheries Officer of the Malaita Province, has urged youths to engage in Tilapia fish farming, calling it a ‘profitable business’.

Kona was speaking at the fisheries awareness talk program previously held at ward 28 in West Kwaio, where rural youths and few Tilapia farmers gathered to listen to the importance of aquaculture in Malaita.

“I strongly believe that Malaita province have the capacity to meet the country’s fish demand and stop the import of fish in the country,” said Kona, when assuring the locals that the provincial government will increase the level of support to local fish farmers and youths who have interest in Tilapia fish farming.

He said for so long, youth unemployment has affected the economic growth of Malaita province.

“The provincial government through the support of the national government are committed to empower rural Tilapia fish farmers with tools and technical training to help them with their passion for Tilapia farming and to increase the availability of Tilapia fish and provide employment opportunities youths in the province,” he assured the rural participants.

In 2018, Malaita Province has recorded the highest number of active Tilapia farmers in the country.

The number of active local farmers is over 80 and expected to increase in the coming years.

The active Tilapia farmers were from Weste Kwaio, Central Kwara’ae, West Are’are, East Are’are, and the Northern region.

Besides, three Rural Training Centres namely; Afutara, Ngaligaragara, and APSD have also shown interest in Tilapia farming.

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Lynda Wate
Articles: 153

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