MAL Delivers Training on Kava Pre-Processing for Farmers in Isabel

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THE Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) through its Isabel Extension Division has successfully concluded a three-days training on kava pre-processing for farmers from Keregu, Haevo and Buma villages in Isabel Province from 13th-15th October, 2021.

The training was part of the ministry’s (MAL) willpower to impart kava growers in and around the country with necessary knowledge and skills to produce quality kava and ensure farmers meet requirements for overseas market.

The training involved both theory and field demonstration activities.

Kava trainer and MAL Extension officer for Isabel Province Casper Manelugu said the training was a success.

“Farmers who attended these demonstration trainings stated their gratitude to the Ministry of agriculture and Livestock for possibly making these training available to their doorstep. It is the first of its kind especially concerning this new introduced crop since it was introduced in the country,”Mr. Manelugu said.

Dried kava chips.

He said the training was very important because it equip farmers in and around the country with the same aspect on kava management and its quality assurance to make sure farmer growers meet the requirements and demand for international market.

The three days kava field demonstration training includes; field management; harvesting; sorting; washing; drying; grading and storage.

“It was a successful training and it was obvious that a good number of kava farmers had learnt a lot from these two days field demonstrations and have enjoyed the activities especially during the session such as, pruning, harvesting and washing. Some of the participating farmers have never access to such pre-processing field demonstration training, therefore they have voiced out their appreciation to MAL for reaching out to them with the practical training,”Mr. Manelugu said.

Kava harvesting field demonstration.

MAL through its Extension Department is anticipating to provide further similar trainings to support farmers within the area in the future.

Mr. Manelugu thanked participants for their time and commitment proven during the trainings and also acknowledged MAL management through its Extension Department in Honiara for the continuous support to the Isabel Western Province Extension Division.

Source: MAL Media

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