IT is possible for a society to transmit oral history and other knowledge across generations without a writing system.
Oral tradition, is a form of human communication where knowledge, art, ideas and cultural material is received, preserved, and transmitted orally from one generation to another.
According to Loumah Peter from Vatukola community the common name they often refer to the Kauri tree planted by Queen Elizabeth the Queen’s tree.

“Queens Tree is the common name we used here and it is now widely used by people of this younger generation,” said Loumah.
Mr Loumah wasn’t also lucky to bear witnessed at the time her Majesty planted the tree.
“I have the accounts from my parents who witnessed the historical events at that time, that is my Dad and Mom. My mother is still alive at the moment,” he told Environment Media SI.
To date their children also learned about the how the tree come into existence from the same approach by passing on the story from older generation to younger ones through word of mouth.
“The Queen planted the tree in 1978 when she visited the country. The sign board that stand beside the tree now no longer exists.That was the evidence of her coming.
He said where the tree was planted was also where the former Marara school was used to be.
“It would be good to look after, preserve and promote it because it is a historical things she left here when she came to visit the school in 1978.
The Kauri tree is now in its 40 years of age. It is situated in the Votukola community few meters from the main road.

The Queen has been planting trees since she acceded to the throne in 1952. During her reign she has planted more than 1,500 trees worldwide under the Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is an initiative.
The Queen’s Green Canopy is an initiative that aims to help the environment by planting trees sustainably. In doing so, the hope is to create a lasting legacy in honour of The Queen’s leadership of the nation over the past 70 years.
As Patron of the QGC, The Prince of Wales describes tree planting as a “profoundly symbolic act” and a “statement of hope and faith in the future”.