A training on food security was held for the first time for representatives of communities in ward 8 Northwest Gela, Central Island Province (CIP).
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) through its Extension office in CIP facilitated the training that ran from 16th-17th September 2021 at Polomuhu community.
“The training was a success and an eye-opener for many who joined it,” Assistant Field Officer for CIP Betty Luisa said.
She said the training involved both theory and practical sessions with the aim to impart participants understanding on proper ways of raising quality vegetable seedlings, improved ways of preparing soil mix for nursery, and how to prepare liquid fertilizer and compost to improve soil nutrient value.

Participants are representatives of Ghairavu, Boromole, Vatupura, to Borohinaba communities.
“It was a successful training. The turnout was overwhelming with 75 in total which include both men, women, and youths. I am impressed by the interest that participants have shown in the training. Everybody enjoys both theory and the demonstrations,” Ms. Luisa said.
Participants acknowledged MAL for the training and vowed to utilise the knowledge and skills acquired to improve their backyard gardens to ensure they have enough food at all times and at the same time have nutritious food for an active healthy life.
Vegetable seeds and nursery trays are also distributed to participants after the training.
Ms. Luisa expressed boundless gratitude to the participants for their patient and commitment shown during the training and also acknowledged MAL management through its Extension department in Honiara for continuous support to the CIP Extension Division.
Extension Officers involved in the training are; Senior Field Officer Francis Abana, Assistant Field Officer Vanita Pelomo, and Assistant Field Officer Betty Luisa.
MAL through its Extension Department in Honiara supported the training.