The Solomon Islands government is committed to support CEMA in the 7-years revitalisation strategy 2021-2028.

This commitment is and will be supported through the Ministry of Commerce in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development and the Ministry of Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.
This was highlighted during the ‘Renaming and re-branding of CEMA to ‘Solomon Commodities recently.
“As the responsible Minister responsible for CEMA under the CEMA act 1984 it is a matter of some pride and we are able to welcome you to the official launching program,’’ said Hon. Fredrick Kologeto.
“We are all here this evening to witness the formal launching of the Solomon commodities new brand and I believe this is a historic moment where we going to witness the name of CEMA is now changed to ‘Solomon commodities’ a new trading name that replace the old CEMA name,’’ said the Commerce minister.
Minister Kologeto said that it is the desire of the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA) and particularly his Ministry to see both informal and formal sectors, particularly farmers, and producers of domestic raw commodities and SME development programs to formally venture into manufacturing industries.
‘Through economies of scale, value added enterprise gradually increase import substitution with quality products to sustain domestic and export marketing,’’ he said.
“In this regard, the Solomon Islands government through the Ministry of commerce in collaboration with the Ministry Of Infrastructure Development and Ministry of MAL has made a commitment to support CEMA in the 7-years revitalisation strategy 2021-2028,’’ said Kologeta.
He said CEMA in collaboration with the SI govt with the counter attack investment risk in rehabilitation of traditional commodities including Cocoa and copra, the govt through CEMA will also encourage farmers to invest in other commodities and crops such as kava, taro, cassava, timber and marine products.
“Instruction and commercial function will always take care of regulatory and economic factors that may set high operational cost, fluctuation in market price, and monopoly competition causing unfavourable business investment environment.
“As a nation the time has come for us to work together. Let’s stand and unite together to reaffirm our enduring spirit to choose a better historic milestone in the event today as a precious gift passed on from generation to generation,’’ said Minister Kologeto.
Meanwhile Permanent secretary for the ministry of commerce Mr Riley Mesepitu described the launch as a milestone for SI while thanking all participants at the event.

“Today marks a very important day and milestone for Solomon Islands. A history in the making.
“I want to say thank you to the government through the leadership of our prime minister for the vision, and for coming up with a policy to see the importance of revitalising CEMA and today we called it “Solomon commodities’,’’ he said.
“Turn to your nabour and say ‘Solomon is organic’. That is very true because we are not only selling the products of Solomon Islands but we are also selling our image.
“We need to recognise who we are, we need to recognised our natural resources, we need to start utilise our resources in to something that will bring a good livelihood to our country.
PS Mesepitu added that the launch is just not a new look for CEMA but it’s a call for participation, a call for cooperation, a call for collaboration, it’s a call for all of us to work together.
“The other important area we heard today is connectivity. We have established back the connectivity from here right down to the very rural populace. So that’s what CEMA is all about.
“This new brand, it’s also mentioned in the bible Galatians chapter 6 verse 17 the apostle Paul said ‘from now on let no one cause trouble for me for I bear my body the brand match of Jesus.
“In other words it simply means let’s forget about the old CEMA, currently we have a new brand name ‘Solomon commodities’ Solomon is organic’ so let’s brace aside its negative perceptions and let us embrace the new look of CEMA, the look of SI and the new look of our products that will hit the market internationally,’’ said Mesepitu.