LIFE becomes a reality for Luke keni and her beautiful wife Rose Keni when they had their firstborn son in 2000.
Before they were married, both have left High School due to some financial difficulties and lived at home with their respective parents at Kwa hill settlement in Honiara.
They were married in 1998 and at that time, Luke started work at the Solomon Breweries and Rose worked for RAMSI as a house girl.
“My Mother owns some local chickens which spend most of her time looking after them, feeding them, and giving them a proper nesting place,” Rose recollected.

She said after her mother passed away a few years later, she was left with only the local chickens as a gift from her mother.
“I regarded those chicks as a gift from my mother and from there on, my husband and I started to put more effort into building a more proper poultry house to raise the chickens,” Rose said.
During the years that followed, the couple venture into piggery and duck farming.

“We are doing it small scale because of lack of space to expand,” Rose admitted.
The couple revealed to environment Media that with the small business that they had, they managed to build a 3 bedroom permanent house with revenue generated from whatever sales from their farm.
“We usually cost $100 per duck or local breed chicken to local Chinese shops in and around Chinatown, but the cost per duck or chicken also depends on their sizes. Also, currently, we are selling $600 per piglet,” Rose revealed.

According to the couple, their challenge now is to upgrade the environment of their farm.
They are also considering putting their daughter back to continue with her education at SINU since she stays out due to school fees difficulties.