THE Livelihood Sector Committee within the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) has applauded the Solomon Islands Chinese Association (SICA) for its continuous support to Solomon Islands government in its difficult times.
The LSC made the acclamation to SICA after they donated mixture of relief food supplies to the government through LSC on Wednesday 26th January,2022 at MAL Headquarter office in Honiara.
The goods have been distributed by LSC distribution team to households within the Honiara Emergency Zone in the recent lockdown.
Permanent Secretary of MAL Ethel Frances said it is heart-warming to see SICA step in with such huge and generous support despite the fact that their businesses have been impacted by the recent riot. “This is inspiring and I on behalf of our people appreciate and salute you for the relief help despite the difficult moments you have been through – especially the recent riot. Thank you so much for the support and please accept our profound appreciation.”

Chair of LSC Michael Ho’ota while sharing the same sentiments said he is delighted with the help and assured SICA that all the food supplies will be distributed to all households within the Honiara Emergency Zone.
Other food items were donated by development partners and private sector including Australia, Peoples Republic of China, Solomon Islands Ports Authority. Telekom and Advance Technologies provided umbrellas and tables. New Zealand supports with logistics for distributions.
Food distribution within Honiara is ongoing. However, distribution to communities outside of the Honiara town boundary, within the Emergency Zone will be carried out as soon as the final distribution list is confirmed.
Therefore, LSC would like to once again appeal to communities within the Emergency Zone for cooperation and patience as they continue with food distribution to communities during the current Covid-19 restrictions. The Honiara Emergency Zone boundary is from Alligator Creek in the East to Poha River in the West end of Honiara city.
Chairman of LSC Ho’ota on behalf of the government acknowledged the assistance provided by donor partners, business houses in Honiara, Market Vendor Association and individuals who have stepped in with food assistance and logistic support over the past week, thus resulted in the success of its response operation to guarantee families that in dire need are being supported with relief food supplies.
LSC is co-led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL), Ministry of Fisheries and Honiara City Council together with other stakeholders and partners.
Featured Photo: PS of MAL Ethel Frances, third from left with representatives from the SI Chinese Association and two officers from MAL during the delivery at the Ministry of Agriculture Headquarter office in Honiara.
– MAL Press