CANDO Improves Church Facilities with Proper Sanitation

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AGENCIES Network Disaster Operations is undertaking retrofitting work in targeted communities across four provinces: Guadalcanal, Western, Malaita, Choiseul, Makira, and Central Island Provinces.

This initiative is part of the Disaster READY program, funded by the Australian government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

As part of their disaster preparedness efforts, the Agencies Network Disaster Operations (CANDO) consortium is working to improve community and church facilities to ensure they are disaster-ready and can serve as evacuation centers in times of emergency. Baseline assessments conducted in these communities revealed a critical need for proper sanitation in most community and church assets.

Mr. Lionel Dau, CANDO Program Coordinator, emphasized the importance of providing proper sanitation. He noted that adequate sanitation facilities are crucial not only for disaster events but also for the daily activities of community and church programs. Improving Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) practices is essential for reducing the prevalence of disease outbreaks and ensuring access to proper sanitation.

The retrofitting work will continue in 25 nominated communities from the five main churches across the country, demonstrating CANDO’s commitment to enhancing community resilience and health through improved sanitation facilities.

Source: Anglican Church of Melanesia

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