Australian Veterinarians Strengthen Animal Health Capacity in Solomon Islands

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VETERINARIANS Dr Dan Edson and Dr Yushara Wijerathna, from the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s (DAFF), have delivered technical para-veterinary training to Solomon Islands Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) animal health officers

Funded under Australia’s AUD 622 million Partnerships for a Health Region initiative, the Australian team delivered technical para-veterinary training to 20 animal health officers across 7 provinces (Guadalcanal, Malaita, Western, Central, Temotu, Rennell and Bellona, and Isabel) who came together for the training in Honiara.

The technical training built on the introductory para-veterinary course delivered earlier this year by DAFF and the Pacific Community (SPC). With both theoretical and practical components, the training focused on cattle, pig, and poultry production, animal disease surveillance, veterinary diagnostics, and emergency animal disease preparedness and response.

The Australian team also undertook surveillance and training activities in Malaita Province, accompanied by provincial MAL livestock and extension officers.

Australian High Commissioner, His Excellency Rod Hilton said “this visit served as an opportunity to further strengthen the collaborative, long-term partnership between Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and Solomon Islands Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

“It built on the friendship and collaboration between animal health professionals from both nations,” His Excellency Hilton said.

The recent surveillance and training activities complement a range of collaborative animal and plant health programs conducted under the Solomon Islands Biosecurity Development Program – aiming to increase biosecurity capacity to strengthen the economy and safeguard rural livelihoods and food security.

Source: Australia High Commission, Solomon Islands

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