Australia and SINYC Empower Youths in Virtual Youth Skills Hub Dialogue

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THE Solomon Islands National Youth Congress and Australia partnered to host the 7th Series of the Virtual Youth Skills Hub Dialogue. The Dialogue involved 135 young Solomon Islanders based in Honiara, Guadalcanal and Gizo who discussed training opportunities and skills needed to support different career pathways.

The Virtual Youth Skills Hub Dialogue started during the COVID-19 pandemic as a way of connecting people who were facing travel disruptions and had limited opportunities to engage in face-to-face training. The Dialogue is a collaborative effort between Australia’s skills investment APTC and SINYC to develop skills, foster leadership, and explore employment opportunities for young people in Solomon Islands.

The 7th Series of the Dialogue, themed “Linking Skills to Opportunities,” featured a diverse range of speakers, including representatives from the Solomon Islands National Youth Congress, the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, APTC Alumni, and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

These sessions gave participants insights into career pathways and explored climate change and sustainable development issues.

The Chairperson of the Solomon Islands National Youth Congress, Mr Harry James Olikwailafa said “the Virtual Youth Skills Hub Dialogue has been instrumental in empowering young Solomon Islanders to engage in discussions about skills training opportunities.”

“The dialogue offers a valuable opportunity for young people from these three targeted sites to learn from experts, network with peers, and gain insights into various sectors. We are grateful for the partnership with APTC and Australia in making this initiative successful,” said Mr James.

Australia’s High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, His Excellency Rod Hilton said “the Virtual Youth Skills Hub Dialogue is a positive initiative that provides a platform for young people to develop critical skills, connect with inspiring leaders, and explore exciting career pathways. Australia is proud to support this program and invest in the future of Solomon Islands.”

By bringing together young people, training providers, and government stakeholders, the Dialogue reflects a collective effort to empower the nation’s youth, helping connect the dots between skill acquisition, employment, and a bright future.

Source: Australia High Commission Press Release

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