THE Ahetaha Communities in East Are ‘are Malaita Province will host a handing-over ceremony on 29 July at Ahetaha Water Conservation in Manawai Harbour.
The day was earmarked by these villagers to mark and commemorate the milestone achieved in their 18 months of partnership with the United Nation Development Program- the global environment facility (UNDP-GEF).
The event will be celebrated with the theme: “With Conservation Network and Partnership Ahetaha Resource Management Area can Promote Livelihood support program.

The one-day event will be marked with speeches from Malaita Provincial Minister for Environment, Member of Provincial Assembly for ward 19, UNDP-GEF Country Coordinator, Solomon Islands Rangers, Mai-Maasina Green Belt, Takataka Eco Village Conservation Foundation Inc, and Wai-Hau Conservation Foundation.
For the Ahetaha people, the event will be a historical one and everyone is looking forward to witnessing the handing over of the facilities, scientific reports, and achievements attained during the 18 months project implemented by Ahetaha in partnership with funding support from the UNDP-GEF Small Grant Program.
The community will use this day as a day of reflection and a day to congratulate each other for the challenges they have overcome to contribute Ahetaha Water Conservation Association over the 18 months.

This handing over of the program is expected to be attended by a good number of people from Communities in and around Manawai Harbour.
Most people residing in the communities utilized the natural environment for their livelihood and involves mainly in subsistence farming.
This week both the home base and Honiara base were engaged and work tirelessly on various delegated tasks ahead of Friday’s celebration.

The home base work towards the event includes; landscaping in the conservation station, completion of facilities such as toilets, showers and quests rooms, a footpath, and construction of the permanent stage.
The Honiara base members were tasked to complete a stage banner and a permanent signboard to be erected at Ahetaha.
The Ahetaha Water conservation Association was also the first Conservation group to host such events together with UNDP in Malaita province.
Feature Photo. caption: L-R: AWCA Project Coordinator Mr. Eddie Huitarau and AWCA Head Ranger Mr. Peter Kenieroa holding the signboard.