2024 a Record Breaking Year for Bomb Disposal in Solomon Islands

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2024 has been a record year so far for the removal of explosive remnants of war remaining in Solomon Islands from the Second World War. More than 5,400 bombs have already been destroyed thanks to the combination of Operation Render Safe and the daily operations of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), Explosive Ordnance Department (EODD). Australia is a proud partner of the RSIPF on this critical work.

On 12 September, Inspector Clifford Tunuki, Director of the RSIPF EODD, hosted Australian High Commissioner Rod Hilton, the supervising Minister of Police, National Security and Correctional Services, Minister Trevor Mahaga and RSIPF Assistant Commissioner Provincial, Mathias Lenialu at Hells Point.

Inspector Tunuki provided a demonstration of the RSIPF EODD’s world class equipment which, along with internationally recognised training and qualifications, positioned Solomon Islands as a regional leader in unexploded ordnance operations. Australian Defence Force member, Warrant Officer Class One Adam Keys, who has worked with the RSIPF EODD for the last two years, provided valuable insight into the enduring support provided by Australia through the Defence Cooperation Program.

Inspector Tunuki reported that this year alone, the RSIPF EODD had already disposed of more than 2,000 bombs, including:

•    Guadalcanal – 1559

•    Central – 56

•    Western – 606

•    Choiseul – 108

In addition to the daily operations of the RSIPF EODD, Operation Render Safe 2024 has been the most successful ever conducted, with more than 3,100 bombs disposed.

High Commissioner Hilton, Minister Mahaga, and Assistant Commissioner Lenialu visited the Operation Render Safe Headquarters in Munda where they heard from Operational Commanders including representatives from contributing nations including Australia, the United States, New Zealand, Japan, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Korea.

High Commissioner Hilton said the record-breaking number of bombs disposed of in 2024 was commendable, and recognised the valiant efforts of the RSIPF EODD along with all contributing nations to Operation Render Safe 2024.

“The removal of explosive remnants of war from Solomon Islands has direct impacts for all parts of the community including the reduced likelihood of casualties, increased access to land and food cultivation, a safer environment around villages and schools and improved conditions for future economic development.”

“I commend the courageous work of the RSIPF EODD and I’m proud of the support Australia has provided for Operation Render Safe and the enduring support provided through our Defence Cooperation Program,” High Commissioner Hilton said.

The combination of Operation Render Safe 2024 and RSIPF EODD operational work this year has seen more than 5,400 bombs disposed of so far. By weight, this is the most bombs ever cleared in a single year.

Source: Australia High Commission, Solomon Islands

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