Solomon Islands Development Agency Held Flour Processing Workshop and Graduation

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SOLOMON Islands Development Agency held a graduation after the completion of an organised flour processing and cookery training workshop to equipped local participants with the right knowledge and skills to make flour for baking.

The event was held yesterday at the Anglican Church Conference Room, Vura 2. 

Those graduated from the workshop are local farmers, church leaders, entrepreneurs and graduates from Solomon Islands National University (SINU) and other tertiary institutions but presently unemployed.

Solomon Islands Development Agency (SIDA) founder, Joseph Poha told Sunday Isles that training is about adding value to our root crops and local common produces like kumara, taro, banana, breadfruit etc.

“The training aims is to equip our participants with processing skills, ensure all are healthy and quality conscious, and to strategically position all trained teams (participants) so they can be established needed intervention and linkages at their respective localities so as to cut high cost of processing facilities development and delivery cost and, to build supply capacity through trained teams.

“We don’t have funding yet so we are struggling to run these very important training programs

“We have calls from all provinces to run similar program at their respective provinces, however, we hope to secure funding support so we can effectively deliver these programs to the rest of Solomon Islands.

“For now, we facilitate all these programs ourselves,” Joseph said.

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