Sawmill Operators in Malaita Gets Hands-On

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MINISTRY of Forestry and Research together with Japanese International Corporation Agency (JICA) under Sustainable Forest Resource Management (SFRM) Project are training sawmill operators at Falake Community, West Kwara’ae on Malaita Province.

The four days hands-on training is being conducted by the Utilization Division within Ministry of Forestry and Research as part of the ongoing main activities and one of the key components under the SFRM Project.

Utilization Officer, Mr. Barton Gamese says sawmill operator’s at Falake Community are so privileged under the SFRM Project to get detailed training on how to operate the Lucas Sawmill.

This is even better-off when they have their own Lucas Sawmill machine provided for under the SFRM Project allowing the operators first hands-on experience, he says.

“This is a one of kind training that allows operators to better understand the whole process involve especially with particular focus on sustainable harvesting of their forest resources.

“Important thing that they have learned through the training is selective tree cutting, calculation of tree volume from when it still stand, when it is felled and eventually to calculate the estimated pieces of timbers expected of during the process of cutting timbers,” explains Mr. Gamese.

He adds the final part of the training is on grading of timbers ripped from the felled trees and eventually into the actual seasoning period.

“Such information’s and training is very important for our resource owners especially when the government is reprioritizing its direction for the forest sector, and I am grateful that this goes in line with the Sustainable Forest Resource Management Project initial planned activities.”

Local Lucas Sawmill Operator, Mr. Jerry Loft acknowledges both the Ministry of Forestry and Research together with the Sustainable Forest Resource Management (SFRM) Project under Japanese International Corporation Agency (JICA) for the hands-on training opportunity.

Mr. Loft says as for the hands-on training on the Lucas Sawmill, they are indeed fortunate to learn a lot of new practical things, stuffs that they intend to overlooked on many occasions in the past.

“More importantly on the selective cutting technique which is new but is sustainable, ways to measure tree and timber volumes including other basic techniques learned through the trainings with the forestry officer.

“It’s indeed a bonus for us as rural people, to be informed and know how to properly plan ahead and manage our resources in allocating our lands through land use planning, which areas to be use and which not for use or preserved and those areas for immediate use.

“In that, we can understand the basics to where we can use our own land resources for short, medium and long term benefits; and how we can sustain our livelihood,” expresses Mr. Loft, the delight operator.

Similar training have been conducted for Kumoniboli Community sawmill operators on Northeast Guadalcanal, another piloted site under the Sustainable Forest Resource Management Project

Source: MoFR Press Release

The four days training is being conducted by officers from the Utilization Division within Ministry of Forestry and Research.

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