Malatoha Community Gets New Boreholes to Fix Water Shortage

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MALATOHA residents in Central Guadalcanal are set to benefit from a new borehole after the management of the Tina River Hydro development project partnered with their community to address the water shortage problem.

Recently, engineers from the Tina River Hydro’s development project have launched the drilling of a borehole in the Malatoha community.

A young girl from Malatoha returning from collecting fresh water from a nearby bush well.

“This is part of our commitment to ensuring sufficient supply of water to the rural communities,” a Tina River Hydro engineer said.

A Community Representative Patterson Kekegolo expresses his joy after the drilling of a new borehole.

Malatoha Community Representative Patterson Kekegolo.

The borehole is also expected to benefit hundreds of residents living in Malatoha remote villages who have been experiencing acute water shortages. Patterson said women and children have suffered for a long and have had to walk up to several kilometers of a hilly, rocky terrain to fetch water.

Tina River Hydro’s development project have launched the drilling of a borehole in the Malatoha community.

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