THE GOVERNMENT is hoping to sign a MoU this week to secure a new site for a new Cemetery ground.
The memorandum of understanding is to seal the procurement of a 4.6 Hectors of land for the new cemetery site.

According to Special secretary to Prime ministers the land is privately owned and is located not too far from the Betikama area in East Honiara.
Special Secretary Prime Minister’s’ and Oversighting committee Chair Dr Jimmy Rogers highlighted this during Sunday 13 February radio talk back show.
He said that accessing a new burial site is a difficult undertaking as land is not an easy thing to procure with many protocol to follow.
However in an effort to secure a land he said they had some discussion with a title holder of a land but yet to sign an agreement.
“The site is not too far from Betikama and is owned by a person who is willing to offer the piece of his land for the purpose of cemetery, it is about 4.6 hectors.” Said Rogers.
“We have been in discussion with the owner of the piece land and hoping that by this week we will sign an agreement with that title holder to start preparing the site.
The oversight committee Chair said that they must ensure to make this deal happened.
“We will probably fence the land, at the same time start using it. We must make sure that it happens because that is a very important undertaking for our capital.
“We are hoping to find arrangement then hopefully if we sign an MoU this week then work will start on the access and site clearance by explosive ordinance team,’’ he said.
Barana conservation park Co-ordinator in his interview with Environment media Solomon Islands last week said his people have concern when the Govt proposed a site there for a new cemetery.
Mr Jerry Mane said that one of their biggest concern is their underground water, the source of fresh water for them and surrounding communities there.
“We have a big concern. Other communities here such as Adaliua, Mamulele, Chinese valley and Kobito area have similar concern.
“The concerns is particularly on the ground water sources and pore holes build around these areas. The catchment is where we resides. Establishing cemetery ground here will posed risk to these water sources,’’ said Mane.