Cyclone Season: One to Three Cyclones Predicted to Cross Solomon Waters

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THE Solomon Island Meteorological Services Office has predicted that one to three tropical cyclones are likely to cross Solomon Islands Exclusive Economic Zone during the 2020/2021 cyclone season.

National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) Principal Communication Officer Brian Tom says the tropical cyclone forecast for this season (November to April next year) could affect the Solomon Islands at an average 9 level with an estimated 51% chance for a tropical cyclone to occur.

“Solomon Island is entering the 2021/2022 tropical cyclone season,” said Brian Tom at this week’s annual pre-cyclone workshop in Honiara. “As per briefing undertaken by the Solomon Island Meteorological Services with the National Emergency Operation Centre (NEOC), Solomon Islands is now on La Nina Alert, which means we will be expecting a lot more rain in the coming months.”

He said the organized pre-cyclone workshop serves as an avenue for NDOC Sector Committees and relevant stakeholders to develop tropical cyclone preparedness plans for the 2021/ 2022 seasons.

“The two days’ workshop brings key players within the SIG Disaster Management arrangement NDMO Plan 2018 to discuss issues to ensure we are prepared for the unexpected.

“The NDOC Sector committees also did their presentations on their current state of readiness.

“The UN, Donors, and NGOs were also invited to do their presentations on resources, capabilities offered through them,” Brian told Environment Media.

He said the workshop will enable stakeholders to;

  • Establish the level of preparedness of the NDOC for sector response Committees and undertake remedial actions to elevate SIG and Partner readiness levels.
  • Establish an idea of emergency stockpiles hosted by our partner NGOs and other in-country partners (UN, Donors).
  • Raise awareness on the roles of different partner agencies and how they can support a whole of Government and partner response to any disasters.
  • Establish effective communication protocols between the NEOC, POC, Sector EOCs, and PEOCs during the Xmas and New Year holidays and the Tropical Cyclone season and,
  • Increase awareness of risks associated with the season using the media.

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