THE Australian Border Force (ABF) Agency, through the Australian Government (DFAT), has successfully delivered a Border Fundamentals course in the maritime stream for participants from various sectors of the three leading Border Agencies: the Solomon Islands Customs and Excise, Immigration, and Biosecurity Divisions respectively.
The two weeks of intensive training were conducted from 3rd – 13th February 2025 at the Solomon Islands Customs and Excise Division (SICED) Training room at the Honiara Headquarters.
The ABF Border Fundamentals course is designed to meet the needs of the host country while addressing revenue evasion, risks to the community, trends, and learning opportunities for border security officers and industry within the maritime, aviation, and international mail streams.
Speaking at the official closing of the training, Mr. Peter Hughes, Comptroller of Solomon Islands Customs and Excise Division (SICED) highlighted that the training is the first kind of work where SICED Officers work alongside the ABF officers to deliver capability enhancements.
“This training is the first of an ongoing program of work where Customs is leveraging the skills of regionally based SICED officers, working alongside the ABF to further develop their skills and to deliver on three key Customs priorities. Specifically, addressing efficiencies through modernizing our Customs procedures, improving security through the strengthening of the supply chain, and delivering prosperity to the people of Solomon Islands through the promotion of good revenue compliance, ensuring industry comply with their reporting obligations.”
Mr Hughes added, “I am encouraged by the progress all law enforcement agencies have made – cooperating at all levels – to ensure a prosperous economy and that the people of Solomon Islands are kept safe and secure.
“Therefore, this work with ABF is vital in protecting the community from threats of all forms, including revenue evasion, narcotics, firearms, or other prohibited or illicit goods,” Comptroller Hughes stressed.
Officers within the Customs and Excise Revenue and Operations section and the Compliance and Enforcement Unit attended the ABF Maritime Fundamentals Training.
Meanwhile, Customs and Excise Senior Team Leader for Central Operation Mr. Wilson Natei said the purpose of the course is to develop and reinforce baseline skills required as front-line border security officers whilst building and strengthening relationships domestically and internationally.
“After this training, our officers will now have a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities to undertake activities such as ship search/rummage to facilitate good trade facilitation, border security, and management for correct revenue collection for the country.
“The training helps our officers to gain important skills in Search, Examinations, and Concealment Methods to help undertake activities such as ship rummages and other operational activities to protect our country’s borders,” Team Leader Natei concluded.
The training was attended by junior officers who were normally involved in vessel search/rummage and participated in interactive sessions that encouraged open discussion using scenario-based case studies, and the use of adaptive learning techniques that allow participants to learn from one another.
The trainees also took part in a practical training exercise on vessels in port and engaged with the relevant shipping agent/master to facilitate the practical exercises as case studies in a real Solomon Islands Maritime Context.
This important training program is crucial to enforce compliance with unreported or undeclared importation of goods, the detection of illicit or prohibited goods, and contributes to maintaining the integrity of Solomon Islands borders.
This important work delivers on the Customs Reform and Modernisation agenda to improve revenue collection and reduce social impacts on health services by disrupting harmful drugs into the country.
Source: Solomon Islands Customs and Excise Division (SICED)