Australia Backs Government’s Focus on the Productive Sector

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COCONUT down streaming in Solomon Islands is poised for expansion with Australia investing in a new cutting-edge processing facility, operated by Islands’ Own, in West Guadalcanal.

Islands’ Own is a local company that processes and manufactures a range of products using coconuts sourced from local farmers. Through its private sector initiative, Strongim Bisnis, Australia has been investing in Islands’ Own since 2022 to meet the growing demand for value-added products in the coconut sector.

Islands’ Own has secured substantial annual orders of desiccated coconut and coconut cream from major retailers, Bulkshop and Hot Bread Kitchen, who have also announced their intention to exclusively procure coconut products from Islands’ Own and discontinue all imports.

To facilitate increased production to meet these orders, Australia is assisting Islands’ Own to construct and operationalise a new coconut collection and processing centre in Visale, West Guadalcanal.

Strategically located between coconut plantations in Lambi and the company’s primary processing plant in Honiara, the facility will enhance the company’s processing and packaging of coconut products and boost local employment.

Coconut processing equipment will be upgraded and a diesel generator, off-grid solar system and battery-operated forklift procured, ensuring operations are efficient and environmentally friendly.

Once the Visale facility is operational, Islands’ Own expects to double its current number of employees from 18 to around 40.

His Excellency Rod Hilton, Australian’s High Commissioner to Solomon Islands commended the extended partnership agreement with Islands’ Own to strengthen the local coconut sector.

“This coconut processing facility in West Guadalcanal will enable Islands’ Own to ramp up its production of quality coconut products, and meet domestic and export market demands, growing more Solomon Islands jobs and the local economy,” Mr Hilton said.

As the Visale facility is located closer to coconut farmers, it is expected that transportation costs will be reduced.

Farmers will also benefit from increased income through more harvesting and coconut sales.

Once the processing centre is operational, Islands’ Own is aiming to expand its coconut sourcing from 30,000 to 40,000 coconuts per week.

Ezra Tan of Islands’ Own expressed enthusiasm for this new phase of company’s expansion, with the support of the Australian Government through Strongim Bisnis.

“The new processing facility at Visale will not only streamline and improve our production capability, but also strengthen ties with coconut farming communities,” Mr Tan said.

Source: Australia High Commission

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