Work at Bahomea communities is currently underway as the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP) makes a significant push forward to provide locals clean and reliable water supplies under the Water Supply Program.
Water Supply works for Horohotu 1-3, Tina and surrounding areas, Marava, Ngongoti, Verakabikabi, Vatupaua, Areatakiki, Rate Community High School, all located within Bahomea, have commenced and are at various stages of completion.
The systems, funded and coordinated by the CBSP for the Tina River Hydro Development Project (TRHDP), range from borehole systems to those tapped from natural sources interconnected by a network of distribution pipes carrying water to the communities.

In the past weeks, drilling at Tina Village, Rate School, and Horohotu 3 and compression of an existing bore at Vatupaua, have all been completed. Further steps to determine the capacity of bores and pump sizes will be conducted next week. Most of the systems will be powered by solar energy.
Raising the standard of living for the communities in and around the project catchment is a major deliverable for the Solomon Island Government (SIG) and its partners.
Having access to clean and reliable water for critical infrastructures such as schools and their immediate communities is a huge benefit and will make a significant difference in the lives of students and residents.

The Rate school principal, Lyndon Philimon is thrilled to welcome the WASH facility to his school and surrounding communities.
“Bringing water to the school and surrounding community is a positive advancement. This is the first time we have had a proper water supply since the school’s inception in 1978. Not having to fetch water daily and knowing that the source is providing safe and reliable drinking water, is a major development for our communities and the general wellbeing of its people.”
The Water Supply and Sanitation Project is a subcomponent of Component 2 (improving community infrastructure) of the