Sea Slowly Encroaching Taro and Supizae Coastline

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AMONG a range of other natural coastal hazards, Taro Island, and neighboring Supizae Island plus other parts of Choiseul province are greatly exposed to shoreline erosion caused by sea-level rise.

Job Galo, 54, a business owner said he had resided in Taro Township for more than 30 years and seen huge differences with regards to shoreline erosion caused by sea-level rise.

“During the past 30 years, I have observed the erosion caused by sea-level rise.

“The level being reached currently is slightly higher than before, it’s like the sea is slowly eating away the land, piece by piece,” Mr. Galo, owner of Sea View Accommodation in Taro told Environment Media.

He added that he is currently planning on improving his business infrastructure and plans on extending it further to the sea.

“However, I will have to construct a seawall around the property to protect it from any possible natural coastal hazards risks,” he said.

It is understood that the Choiseul provincial government has already acquired land from customary landowners of the adjacent mainland, Choiseul Bay Island, and is seriously considering relocating.

The relocation project which is called the ‘Choiseul Bay Township project’ was initiated mainly because of fear and threat of natural disasters and Climate change.

According to a recent report titled – ‘Climate Change Adaptation Plan Choiseul Bay Township – Solomon Islands, actions have been taking to revegetate shorelines around Taro Island on an ‘as needs basis.

“Shoreline revegetation on Taro Island (and Supizae Island and the mainland to a lesser degree) aims to benefit the Islands by attracting sediments accumulation to help limit shoreline erosion and also improve resilience to future changes as a result of sea-level rise and other changes in climate variable,” the report stated.

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