NDMO Prepares for Cyclone Season

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AS we close in on our yearly cyclone season (November to April) the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) is putting together plans to inform the general public of safety measures to ensure damage to properties, and possible loss of lives is minimized or better still avoided.

The NDMO’s Public Information Management Unit will embark on their usual awareness programs on the National Radio SIBC, FM stations, and the print media as of next week.

Depending on availability of resources, the awareness will also include Provincial Disaster Officers (PDOs) stationed in the provinces to conduct face to face public awareness to communities within their jurisdiction.

Asked if previous awareness have been successful, Public Information Officer Brian Tom said “Judging from casualties and damage to properties observed, I can say yes over the years we have noticed that people are more responsive to the various hazards that come their way. This is a direct result of the awareness we have been conducting over the years”. Nevertheless, NDMO will continue to enhance its cyclone season awareness programmes together with Solomon Islands Meteorological Service and other partners.

He said the frequent calls they receive through the emergency line at the NDMO is another indicator that people now know what to do and who to contact in the event of a disaster.

On the operation side of things, he said all other sectors and stakeholders that are usually involved in disaster operations will still have to be prepared for the cyclone season despite their current involvement with the COVID-19 operations.

Mr. Tom says “Cyclone season is here to stay, it’s something we will experience every year so all our other sectors know, and are prepared to do multi-tasking come November”

Detailed information on the awareness can be heard on air at 6:15PM on Saturday evening on the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation, SIBC.

News Source: NDC Press

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