Local Noni Farm Receives New Agricultural Equipments

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THE Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) through its Extension Department has supported T.W Enterprise Noni farm with essential agricultural equipments.

T.W Noni farm is located at the former Livestock Development Authority (LDA) area in the outskirt of East Honiara.

The donation was delivered by MAL Extension team during a Noni field day held at the farm for Noni farmers from East Guadalcanal, Central Guadalcanal and Honiara suburb to share their experiences, sharpen skills and learn firsthand facts about noni crop/tree on 12th July.

Chief Field Officer, Roy Timothy said the support was part of MAL Sustainable Economic Growth and Export Strengthening (SEGES) programme, focusing on SEGES output three (3) that is to promote Noni Research, production and processing in the selected Provinces.

He said the ministry through its Extension Department happy to support farmers to thrive in their farming production to support their livelihood.

Mr. Timothy said although the support may perceived as small but he believes it will contribute towards development work of the farm.

Meanwhile, T.W Noni farm manger and owner, Tamra Wale expressed gratitude to MAL for the donation.

She said the equipments is an advantage to the farm and she will make sure farm workers utilise them to improve farm production.

She then thanked MAL for its continuous assistance towards farmers throughout the country to make sure they support their livelihoods through farming.

Tools delivered include secauters, poll prunners, loppers, bush knives, brush knives, chainsaw, wheel barrow, watering can, spade, seedling trays, ladder and polybags.

The farming equipments are procured by MAL from Island enterprise and ITA hardware in Honiara.

The four main objectives of the SEGES programme is to;

  • Make sure farmers, associations, producers, buyers and exporters are empowered to increase productivity and to increase revenue earnings.
  • Enhanced copra productivity through rehabilitation and support to CRB activities
  • Enhance Cocoa Productivity through Rehabilitation and Genetic improvements
  • Support Kava developments to increase productivity in all the Provinces

Source: MAL Press

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