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Climate Justice Dialogue and Symposium Next Week

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NGO’s, private sectors and government stakeholders will convene a week of climate dialogue as of Monday 28 June to 2 July in Honiara.

Oxfam in the Pacific has embarked on a new regional climate change program called the Pacific islands climate change collaboration, influencing,and learning (PACCCIL) project.

This is a four year 2018- 2022 project, of which the first two years is funded by Australian NGO cooperation Program (ANCP).

The project aim is to strengthen the influencing capacity of local civil society actors and networks to ensure action on climate change in the pacific is more effective, inclusive and collaborative.

The project works with key climate change action networks in Vanuatu,solomon islands, at regional level,as well as facilitate the organizing and collective action of civil society actors in the polynesia and micronesia sub regions against climate change.

The goal of the project can be achieved through three key outcomes, 1_pacific civil society networks effectively influence national,regional and global climate change and disaster policy and practice, 2_ civil society, government and private sector collaborate on a range of climate change and disaster issues and ,3 good practice in the region is being redefined ,influenced by learning and research from the project.

Through the integration of these three outcomes, the PACCCIL project in solomon islands and solomon island climate action network trustee inc.has partnered together to develop the concept on a back to back event the climate RESET Dialogue and the climate justice day of action.

On 28 June Stakeholders will come together to dialogue on the key realities of climate change issues affecting solomon islands and also to provide recommendations and key tasks to the national government in preparations going into COP26 in Glosgow later in the year.

The week event which will be facilitated by Oxfam (PACCCIL) together with SCCAN at the National museum & USP SMI (Town ground) will provide discussion around 5 key themes namely, agriculture and food security, climate financing, displacement and migration, health and climate change,loss,damage and Covid19.

The objective of the series of dialogue is ,1. To enhance stakeholder dialogue to provide key recommendations and key tasks to our government in preparation going into COP26 in Glasgow later in the year and ,2 to chart new direction for inclusive and collaborative climate change action work in solomon islands ,based on experience, challenges and recommendations of various local stakeholders and expert on the ground.

The one week climate justice dialogue and symposium will be staged with the theme ‘Yumi stanap fo Klaemet jastis’.

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