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Young Freelance Climate Journalist Thank MASI for Recognising His Work

Jeremy Gwao receiving his Award from the Chairperson of the MASI Awards Committee.

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YOUNG Freelance Journalist, Jeremy Gwao said he was thrilled upon receiving his MEDIA award in ‘Climate Reporting’ on Saturday 18 June during this year’s 2022 Media award night.

He said he was beyond blessed to receive such significant recognition from the Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI).

“I am beyond blessed to receive such prestigious recognition from MASI,’’ said Gwao. “I believe that MASI has shaped me a lot as a freelancer. This is a milestone and will remember it for a very long time,’’ he said.

The now, 26-year-old also admitted his appreciation to various media outlets and platforms that respect his work as a freelance journalist in continuing in publishing his work on a daily basis.

“Would like to thank those publishers that respect my work as a freelance journalist in continuing in publishing my work daily basis. Shout out to Solomon Times, the guardian Australia and climate tracker for such respect in providing such avenue,’’ Gwao said.

As a climate journalist young Gwao said that climate change is not something we read, hear or see on TV but it’s a timing we seriously talk about and act on.

“All in all climate change is not something we read, hear or see on TV but it’s a timing we seriously talk about and act on,’’ he said.

26-year-old Gwao said it is something our leaders should take into consideration.

“I am humbled to thank the Australian High Commission for supporting climate change issue and reaching out to recognise our work in covering climate change issues. As a climate journalist I am happy that my work is recognised at this level,’’ he said.

Young Gwoa who was a recipient of the “Future News in July 2019 at Reuters UK headquarters in London urged journalists to be ethical in their work, respect themselves and must know that their job is not only for the paper or whatever publication but they are doing it for the people.

“I want to see young journalists like me grow and do great work with pride and passion. I am thankful to MASI for such recognition in making this a historical story. Would thank AHC for sponsoring this award and keep pushing hard for the climate issue. This world would be a better place if we respect and address our own environment,’’ added Gwao.

“All in all I am so thrilled to receive this award,’’ said the active West Papuan advocate and pacific youths Anti-Corruption (PYFAC-SI) member.

The freelancer’s leadership skills and intention to serve others also earned him four awards at the SINU media awards for outstanding media student, along with the photographer of the year award and leadership award.

At this year’s (2022) media award nights, Jeremy Gwao a young passionate freelance journalist who is from Malaita province was awarded, ‘Excellence in Climate Reporting’.

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