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Work on Tilapia Facility Faring Despite COVID Situation

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DESPITE the challenges faced due to the COVID-19 situation in the country, work on the Aruligo Tilapia Hatchery is slowly progressing well.

The Superfly limited Energy Solution Company has recently made some progress in installing the hatchery hybrid solar power system.

The hybrid controllers should be fully installed and operational after the main control power hut is completed according to Superfly Limited Spokesperson, Tarepe Bird.

The National Tilapia hatchery is jointly funded by the New Zealand MSSIF program and the Solomon Islands government.

Speaking to environment media Solomon Islands Tapere Bird said that they are contracted for phase two of the project which involved hybrid solar power installation for the project.

“We have been contracted only to do designing, supply of materials and the installation of the hatchery solar hybrid power system, so we have some progress in our work,’’ said Tapere.

According to the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR), the first phase includes the construction of a laboratory, office, covered area of tanks for producing juvenile fish, and a perimeter fence which was completed last year.

Construction on phase 2 includes some large outdoor fish ponds and the water and power supplies for the facility. Construction is supposed to be completed in 2020.

During a visit last year, the MFMR said they are positive that the project will provide the needed facilities to import and manage an improved strain of tilapia to be available for rural fish farmers.

The MFMR said that the project is driven by its policy to develop an aquaculture sector that supports rural livelihoods, food security, and economic returns.

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