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West Kwaio People Urged To Stop Coastal Littering

Communities in West Kwaio are urged to look after their coastal environment by stop throwing plastics into the sea and on the shorelines.

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COMMUNITIES in West Kwaio, Malaita province, are urged to look after their coastal environment by stop throwing plastics into the sea and on the shorelines.

Malaita provincial government Assistant Fisheries Officer, Alick Kona made the call recently.

He was speaking at the fisheries awareness talk program previously held at Ward 28 in West Kwaio.
Kona said that there are no excuses for plastic littering.

“I want to see an end to these antisocial behaviours which are an eyesore on our coastal waters and beaches,” he said.

“Litter – particularly plastic litter – impacts our health and wellbeing, and threatens our marine wildlife and habitats alike, risking their loss not just for future generations, but for those alive in West Kwaio today,” Kona added.

“Sadly, the majority of our people have no respect for our environment and plastic bottles and bags, rubber materials, iron and empty tins are commonly dumped on some of our most beautiful coastal areas.

“Our communities must change our attitudes and show that we care about where we live and want to protect and preserve our natural environment.

“I hope that this awareness will make people even more aware of how their actions can impact upon the local environment,” the Malaita provincial government, Assistant Fisheries Officer told the villagers.

Plastic littering has a negative impact on the coastal environment, for example the plastic litter that gets washed into the seas kills untold numbers of sea birds, turtles and marine mammals and etc.

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