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Update on Impact Of Cyclone Judy on Temotu, To Be Establish

Satellite image by SIMS/NDMO

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GROUND information associated with Tropical Cyclone Judy affecting Temotu province’s outer islands, Tikopia, Anuta and Vanikoro is yet to be established.

This was confirmed to ENVIRONMENT MEDIA by Michael Siau of Weather forecasting office and Brian Tom, communication officer of National Disaster Management Office.

The SIMS and NDMO Duo said that with regards to the current situation, Temotu and its outer islands having been experiencing continuous strong winds and heavy rains.

“We are yet to establish ground report. Currently they are experiencing strong wind and heavy rain,’’ the Duo said.

“We manage to get in touch with our officers in Lata but not the outer islands,’’ they told ENVIROMENT MEDIA today Tuesday in an interview.

Meanwhile Mr Siau from the Weather forecasting office further said that the country will experience heavy rain and strong winds during the week.

“Currently we have two system over our islands, so Tropical cyclone Judy is at Tikopia as we speak, but it is moving towards Vanuatu,’’ he said.

“It should move to Vanuatu by Today Tuesday 28 February,’’ said Siau

He adds that the second low pressure system is developing Coral Sea and is moving towards south Rennell and Bellona.

“This will intensify so we keep on monitoring as it move close to our islands, especially close to Rennell and Bellona Islands in the coming days,’’ he said.

He revealed that the westerly wind will to pick up this week and will associated with strong winds, heavy rains and rough sea in the next few days.

“Currently not yet,’’ said Siau, when asked should there is a possibility of the second low pressure to form into a tropical cyclone in Solomon waters.

“We are monitoring the movement; it might form into a Tropical Cyclone (TC) close to Vanuatu,’’ Siau said.

The SIMS meantime issued tropical cyclone warning number four at 9:23 am today morning, (Tuesday 28th february 2023) that a tropical cyclone warning is still current for Temotu province while a tropical disturbance is enforce for the remaining provinces.

Based on Tuesday morning 28 special weather forecast, cyclone Judy is moving south at 08 knots towards northern waters of Vanuatu and intensifying, whilst the tropical low in the coral seas is expected to move south of Rennell/Bellona province.

“People should take precautionary measures as bad weather associated with the tropical cyclone poses threats to lives and properties,’’ adviced SIMS.

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