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Trip to Barana Community Nature Park

ACMP members plant trees at the Park by Henry Kaniki.

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THE Arnavons Community Marne Park (ACMP) Management Committee had its final board meeting for this year in Honiara.

On Friday 23rd November, the board consists of eight community representatives, The Nature Conservancy Country Director (Willie Atu) and ACMP Coordinator had an exciting trip to Barana Community Nature Park to see the conservation work that the community in partnership with SPREP is doing there.

The committee members of the Park were so amazed to see the hard work and commitment the local people have pursue in terms of resource management for the betterment of their future generation. The chair Lady of the Association highlighted the vision of the community in committing to ecotourism as one of the economic benefit for its people. It was also evidence that the community people have been engaged in agricultural activities to meet local market in Honiara City (small scale).

The area was truly a fascinating place for learning and exchange trip for communities who wish to do eco system resource management.

The local rangers took time to show every activity they do within the Park and the members appreciated their hospitality and tour guide know- how. Another interesting activity at Barana is the WWII history as some of the major battles happened in this area. Unfortunately, the members did not visit the battle field museum due to bad weather however they were satisfied with the oral presentation given by local rangers at the Resource Center Building.

The visiting guests were given an opportunity to plant a tree in the Park as a sign of partnership and ongoing commitment to conservation for the country.

Mr Chief Rence Zama, one of the founding members of ACMP shared his experience with Barana community and rangers in the field of community conservation. He mentioned that, this kid of work will always have challenges as it was in the beginning for us (ACMP).

It took Arnavon and partners more than 2 years just for community consultation but at the end we managed to get a common understanding and respect from three communities and keep the project for more than two decades now.

In a statement, the chairman of Arnavons Mr Deral Daza acknowledges the hospitality rendered to the visiting group. A token of appreciation was also handed over to the Chairlady at the end of the trip.

Mrs. Christina Maezama from Kia share her take home message whilst visiting Barana community and that she wish to duplicate ecosystem resource management in her own village despite staying along the coast. It is well understood that Arnavon community are mostly coastal community which is different from Barana however the visiting guests sees opportunity to do similar work in their own land (Forest).

The management committee of ACMP made an open invitation to Barana Community Nature Park for future exchange visit to Isabel.

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