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Trees Removed to Make Way for Highway Road Project

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Many trees that have graced the roadside areas from Panatina to King George Six in East Honiara are expected to be taken down to make way for the second phase of the Kukum Highway Road Upgrade Project.

“A total of 23 trees along the roadside areas close to the new Solomon Islands National Sports Center, the old Telekom recreation area, and the national stadium for the Pacific Games will be cleared to make way for a highway upgrade project,” said Mike Tuzi, a spokesperson for Faith Company Limited (FCL).

The old trees have been around the early 90s and their arched branches have formed a huge canopy, which has served as a landmark for generations of Honiara residents in the bustling commercial neighborhood of Ranadi, east of Honiara’s capital.

But the famed tree’s days are numbered. It is standing in the path of 4.3 kilometers of four-lane road to Lunga Bridge and 2 kilometers of 2-lane road from Lunga Bridge to the Hendeson Airport.

He advised the market vendors along the concerned areas to take note of the precautionary measures as work will commence on the specific areas.

The Phase 2 project is the continuation from where the Kukum Highway Phase One ended. The Project will cover the 6.3 Kilometer road from the Ministry of Fisheries to Honiara International Airport. This includes 4.3 Kilometers of 4-lane road to Lunga Bridge and 2 kilometers of 2-lane road from Lunga Bridge to the Airport.

Ancillaries to the road project include the drainage systems, bus stations, streetlights, traffic signboards, and pavement markings. This project along with the current Honiara International Airport Project and other major infrastructure projects in the past has changed and will continue to change the landscape of Honiara and will transform the city into a better city for everyone.

Minister Manele had previously said Honiara is an expanding city and the burden of congested traffic and the demand to improve the road to cater for an increasing population, as far as traffic usage and transport concern is imminent.

“This second phase of the Kukum Highway is welcoming and timely because of upcoming national events like the 2023 Pacific Games. The completion of this project will give a facelift to our Highway and infrastructure development in general,” Mr. Manele said.

The project timeline is 24 months and it is expected to complete by May of 2023.

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