BY LESLEY FOINAGWA in West Kwaio, Malaita Province
TABA’A Community-Based Resources Management committee in West Kwaio, Malaita Province has enforced a three years ban on Marine harvesting effective starting from 1st of August 2021 and will remain for three years.
Taba’a community-based management demarcation boundary includes Taba’a reef to kind star log pound (Matasina), Arai Tafatafa, Boronasu’u bay, Marimari to Buriasi and Lofeani to Matasina.
Taba’a community-based resources management rules are listed as follows:
(1) Any method of fishing is not allowed to exercise within the pegged area and 100 metres out from the peg line.
(2) Extra care must be taken not to cause disturbance to marine resources (lifts) when paddling wooden canoes or travelling by our boat motor (OBM) engine – reduce speed when entering the area.
(3) The committee shall decide on lifting the ban when it considers appropriate when any particular marine species is ready for harvesting.
(4) The committee imposed restrictions on logging activities and other shipping development outside prohibited areas (recommended distance).
(5) No harvesting of any swamp and reef shell within the period of the ban, only mangrove fruits are allowed.
(6) No cutting of trees within the boundary – 50 metres from the shoreline (peg line).
(7) No collecting corals for lime.
(8) No burning of any materials along the coast in the prohibited area.
(10) No harvesting undersize species of fish, shells and beach-de-mer in and outside the compound.
(11) Logging operation is banned from the management area.
The committee warns that anyone caught breaking any of these rules, he or she will face consequences.
World fish research analyst, Mr. Meshach Sukulu have conducted marine resources management survey awareness talks with a few rural communities around Malaita province to identify how communities manage their marine resources in their areas.
The community-based resources management (CBRM) research analyst, Mr. Sukulu urged communities to keep their marine resources safe.
He pointed out that human activities itself such as logging operation is very destructive especially the oil, and fuel the machines use which pollutes the environment.
He further added that usage of dynamite fishing is also the most destructive method that causes more damages to reefs.
In the meantime, Mr. Sukulu urged all communities around Taba’a area to always monitor those banned areas.
“We must work together to make sure our sea animals and plants live a Conducive environment,”
SECRETARY: Dennis Ta’elamo
CHIEF: Emanuel Sade
MPA for ward 28; Hon cloudio Teifi
Judith Anisi
– John Paul
– Dennis Oriafuna
– Jacob I’ate’e
– Jack Abaeta
– Augustine Kobe
– Selestino Waneasi
– Michael Folobe’u
– Emilio Li’igani
– Aloisio Sugebo
– Isiah Unuka
– Hendry Foinagwa
– Paul Tonge’emae
– John Sufi’a
– Francis Maefai