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PWDSI & SICAN Successfully Stage Climate Change Awareness Programme at Bethseda Disability School

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A one day joint outreach advocacy and awareness programme on Climate Change was successfully held today Thursday 13 May at Bethseda disability school at Henderson area, East Honiara.

The program was led by the People with Disability Solomon Islands (PWDSI) in partnership with Solomon Islands Climate Action Network (SICAN).

The program today featured power point and skit presentations, opinion survey, and PWDSI and SICAN reps engaging with the disability students of Bethseda through storytelling and quiz activities.

PWDSI Climate Change officer Ms Melvina said the focal point of the program is to educate people with disability on the issue and its impact on the environment.

She said that people with disability are the most vulnerable and hence educating them on how to cope, deal or understand Climate Change causes and effects is important.

Bethseda disability school was established in 2010 and this year the schoolenrolled a total of 14 students both male and female.

PWDSI and SICAN will visit and conduct similar program at San Isidro disability school in West Honiara Tomorrow Friday 14.

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