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Peak of the Wet Season in the Solomon Islands

Director of Solomon Islands Metrological Services David Hiriasia.

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ACCORDING to the Solomon Islands Meteorological Services in Honiara, the wet season is not yet over.

It is now the peak of the wet season for the Solomon Islands and it’s from November to April where rainfalls, disasters, flooding caused by several natural events can still be experienced throughout the country.

“Currently, the country is still in its cyclone season and at the same time in the peak of the wet season where disasters can happen at any time.

“We have to be more cautious and careful regarding these months (November to April) wet and rainy season,” Director of Solomon Islands Meteorological Services, David Hiriasia told media at today’s press conference.

He explained that after we experienced three weeks of rain, probably we would likely have two or three weeks of the sun but as a tropical country, rain can come at any time and as usual, there’s a high chance of the formation of cyclones around the country.

David said that one of the good things about the Solomon Islands is how it is geographically located, which means although most cyclones are formed over our waters, they will continue to travel down to Vanuatu, or Queensland before they can become destructive.

He said the country has 2-3 months left before the wet-season lapses and now the country is also affected by the La Nina period where more rainfalls are expected than normal rainfalls.

He said that the tropical cyclone Anna that recently affected Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, including the other three low systems at that time, and tropical cyclone Lucas that formed at Rennel-Bellona that impacts many communities in the country was associated with the La Nina period.

“In terms of weather warnings, as usual, we usually start off with heavy rain warning and strong wind, however when the situation changes we normally upgrade warnings to cyclone warnings and it becomes a necessary or vital information for the public,’’ he said.

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