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LSC Team-up With Market Vendors to Provide Fresh Fruits And Vegetables During Lock-down

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THE Livelihood Sector Committee (LSC) is partnering with Honiara Central Market Vendors Association (HCMVA) to provide fresh fruits and vegetables through mobile markets within the Honiara’s emergency zone during this lock-down period.

Just day 2 of the 4 days lock down and it is taking its toll on Honiara residence’s food stock resulting in unbalance diets because of closure of markets as well as restricting movements of farmers to bring their produces to the market centers in town.

Addressing this, Chairman of the Livelihood Sector Committee Michael Ho’ota said we are partnering with the Honiara market vendors association (HCMVA) due to its established network with farmers and producers in and outside of Honiara.

“Our hands are stretched through this partnership”.

“LSC is happy to work with the market vendor’s association (HCMVA) because of its network with farmers outside of the lockdown zone to sourced fresh vegetables and sell them to households in Honiara.”

Families buying from the mobile market at Abira, Panatina RIdge, East Honiara.

This arrangement has seen the vendors association driving around in 3 three ton vehicles marketing along the roads within East Honiara, Central and West Honiara respectively during the four days lock-down.

Despite the risk of catching the corona virus Leader of the Market Vendors Association Maureen said they are delighted to provide the mobile market services to city residences and are adhering to all covid health protocols and practices.

“This partnership creates a win-win situation for all parties involved”

“We may not able to provide all that is needed by every family but we are trying to bring the vegetables market service to your homes while observing lockdown regulations.”

A mother collecting her buy from the mobile market.

Prices of fruits and vegetables ranges from $5 for a heap of lemon fruits, cucumber, variety of cabbages $10 to $15 and a melon fruit costing as low as $40.

You can contact Honiara Central Market Vendors Association through Maureen on mobile: 7397533

The livelihood committee is providing transport to these registered Market Vendors to participate in this mobile marketing undertaking during this lockdown.

Featured Image: Rose Ama of the Mobile Market serving a customer.

 MAL Press

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