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Environmental Damage May Hinder Tourism Growth

Oil spreads along the coastline of Rennell Island after spilling from the MV Solomon Trader...Photo Source...South China Morning Post..

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TOURISM is one of the industries that can help the country to achieve the economic, environmental and social aims because it is a green industry said Leonard Lavea a Solomon Islands student currently undertaking Technology and communication engineering at the University of Philippines.

According to Mr. Lavea, the current growth of tourism in the Solomon Islands depends entirely on environmental stability and preservation.

Mr. Lavea said how can the tourism sector in our country grow when logging and mining companies continue to degrade our natural environment at a sustainable level destroying our islands.

“A clear example is the recent oil Spill on Rennell Island, an environmental catastrophe that left a huge scar in the marine ecosystem. Tourism cannot grow without an environment, no environmental resources, no tourism growth, and development may occur.

“In the meantime, of course, we experience that our tourism is still measured in a very immediate scale because of having a strong bond with social, cultural, political and environmental issues.

“Because of the connection between tourism and the natural environment, the effects of tourism in this area are more remarkable, so in this regard attention and understanding of the effects of tourism on the environment and its governing law seems necessary in order to meet the challenges and achieve the goals of sustainable tourism,” said Lavea.

“Fortunately, in recent years tourism trips have emphasized on the importance of environmental protection undoubtedly tourism activities in the areas of ecotourism can leave environmental consequences either directly or indirectly.

Lavea said the development of tourism can make both positive and negative impacts on the development and management of tourism in a way that can be compatible with the environment and not damage it, this is an important factor in achieving sustainable development in order to understand the effects of tourism on the environment.”

“Environmental problems often occur only in the busy seasons when imposing an additional burden on infrastructure and attractions, facilities and services are overused.

“Environmentally appropriate land management practices and principles of regional planning zoning regulations and standard developments and architectural designs in the area of tourism. The development of sustainable tourism has different definitions and it’s cited as environment-oriented and moderate development,” he said.

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