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Conservation International Supports Turtle Conservation Efforts in Visunauru

Children of Visunauru Community, East Guadalcanal watches as the baby turtles (hatchlings) found their way into the waters recently. Photo supplied

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LAST week, the Inshore Fisheries Team from the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources visited Visunauru, East Guadalcanal, to brief the local community on the outcomes of a recent exchange program with the Tetepare Conservation site in the Western Province.

The visit aimed to share insights and experiences gained by two local rangers who participated in the program, focusing on turtle nesting and breeding management.

The two rangers from Visunauru traveled to Tetepare to observe and learn from their conservation practices, particularly in managing the nesting and breeding of turtles. During their time in Tetepare, the rangers actively participated in the relocation of turtle eggs. This relocation is crucial to safeguard the eggs from various predators, including monitor lizards, stray dogs, and human interference.

At a brief meeting attended by the Visunauru Community, including members of the Leatherback Turtle conservation committee, Mr. David Aram, the team leader from the Ministry of Fisheries, highlighted the benefits of the exchange program. “The exchange program has been highly beneficial for the two rangers,” Aram stated, emphasizing the practical knowledge and skills they gained.

Aram assured the community of the Ministry’s commitment to supporting their conservation efforts. He announced plans to assist in setting up proper nesting sites for the relocation of turtle eggs, which will enhance protection and increase survival rates. “We are committed to this project and will support you in establishing secure nesting sites,” Aram affirmed.

He also encouraged the community to organize and begin working on the project, stressing the importance of community involvement in ensuring the project’s success and enabling them to reap the benefits. “Get yourselves organized and start working on this to ensure the community starts receiving small benefits from the project,” he urged.

Visunauru, recognized as a turtle conservation site in the Solomon Islands, stands to gain significantly from the lessons learned and the support pledged by the Ministry. The visit and subsequent community briefing mark a positive step towards strengthened conservation efforts and sustainable benefits for the local community.

Conservation International, a United States based group is supporting this project in Solomon Islands.

Source: Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resource

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