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Bad Weather Expected for South Guadalcanal

The Weather Coast of South Guadalcanal.

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LOCAL Forecasters predict the heavy rain and wet season for the remote and southern region of Guadalcanal, within the months of June to August 2018.

The southern parts of Guadalcanal province will soon experiencing bad weather during this time of the year from June to August.

Southern part of Guadalcanal province is situated 100 miles just opposite the northern part of Honiara; this part of the region is more vulnerable to natural hazards.

According to the Solomon Islands Meteorological Service the southern part of the Guadalcanal province is expected to experience bad weather for the next three to four months.

“The bad weather will continue with heavy rain, strong wind, rough seas and flooding rivers, therefore it is advisable for the people and communities around the region to take extra precautionary measures in the upcoming bad weather season.”

The weather pattern normally experienced in the remote region of Guadalcanal province is totally different from any other parts of the province. Its often been described as ‘weather coast’ of Guadalcanal province.

Meanwhile, a villager from the weather coast region of Guadalcanal, Stanley Veke said every year people of weather coast have to prepare for this season because this time of the year they will experience bad weather for the whole of June to August or even it extend to September.

“This time of the year, we always prepare ahead because it is often a season when people cannot do anything due to heavy rain, flooding, strong wind and rough seas and people are normally forced to remain in their houses.

“This weather pattern normally negatively target or destroy our root crops and vegetables. Our harvest will not bare any fruits and we normally experience food shortages (threat to food security) in this time of the year until November before the weather is expected to be normal again,’’ he expressed.

He said now they started to experience this weather pattern and to witness light to heavy rainfalls on a regular basis – rivers have now started to burst its bank and more rough seas along the coastal areas.

“We have already been preparing ahead for this season this in terms of getting enough foods, repairing leaked houses and to ensure that they is enough water in our respective tanks as our main source of water is expected to go muddy or dirty, which is unfit for drinking),” he said.

However this part of the province have once been destroyed by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 1976, which had destroyed many homes and claimed at least 6 lives which forced many people to migrated and settle in the Western region of Guadalcanal.

The Weather Coast, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands is next to Kolaninggeu River.

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