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All Covid19 Operations linked through the NDC Covid19 Response Arrangement

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The National Emergency Operation Centre (NEOC) said, its current operation comes under the National Disaster Council Arrangement for Covid19 response under the State of Public Emergency.

The National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) through Provincial Disaster Management Office (PDMO) is the custodian of the arrangement that encourages operational leadership at sectoral levels.

The National Disaster Council (NDC) Arrangement is employed as the country’s whole of Government response approach in the coordination of COVID-19 through the National and Provincial Disaster Operations Committees (N-DOC and P-DOC).

The N-DOC and P-DOC through its Sector Committees COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plans are contributing to the health, social and economic security of the people of Solomon Islands through approaches that minimize the further spread of COVID-19, reduce morbidity and mortality, and minimize and manage societal disruption, and psycho-social and economic impacts of COVID-19.

The links by which the response coordination is executed is through the following arrangements;

National Disaster Council to Provincial Disaster Council,
National Disaster Operation Committee to Provincial Disaster Operation Committee
National Emergency Operation Centre to Provincial Emergency Operation Centre
National Disaster Operation Committee Sector EOC to Provincial – Disaster Operation Committee sector EOC.

The NEOC in support to the Provincial Disaster Committee (PDC) and The Provincial Disaster Operations Committee (PDOC), would like to strongly appeal to the good people in the provinces to always comply with health advises.

Vaccination, face mask, hand washing with soap and water, and social distancing are key measures to reduce the spread of the virus to communities.

All stake holders and public who wish to know more about this arrangement can contact the National Emergency Operation Centre on 27936 or toll free number 955.


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