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Agriculture Minister Urged Staff to Do More

Hon. Augustine Auga Minister for Agriculture and Livestock presenting his remarks.

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HONORABLE Augustine Auga Minister for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) is urging staff of the Ministry to do more than just business as usual.

Hon. Auga made the call during a welcome reception hosted for him by staff of the Ministry last Friday 17th 2019 in Honiara.

“The new government wants a shift from business as usual. Therefore I strongly urge you all to pull up your shocks and do more in your respective roles.”

“Moving the agriculture sector forward demand we work harder and smarter together. Only then can we convince the government to give more budgetary support so MAL can fully implement the Ministry’s policy priorities and activities.”

On the same note Minister Auga highlighted that the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA) is finalizing its policy framework and will table it in parliament when the house reconvenes. Alerting the MAL executive to get ready for its translation into achievable priorities and activities for the next four years.

Permanent Secretary Ms. Ethel Frances in welcoming Minister Auga to MAL acknowledged his important contributions to the ministry in his previous role as Minister during the last government. She appeal for stronger support from the Minister and urge staff to work collaboratively to support growth of the sector. Saying that “there is so much expectation on us as a government agency to deliver a more vibrant agriculture sector so we must step up to the challenge”. She pledged her support for the Minister and urge all staff to do the same. She looks forward to working closely with the Minister during his tenure at MAL.

Similar sentiments were echoed by various Directors of the Ministry who also spoke during the night.

Minister Auga thanked everyone for organizing the wonderful function to welcome him again to the ministry of agriculture.

“I am indeed happy to be back with you again and looks forward to our continuous close working partnership in order to move the Ministry forward.”

He also thanked the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogovare for having the confidence in him to lead the ministry of agriculture and livestock as its Minister again.

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