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5 Communities In Gizo/Kolombangara Benefit From CDF Funded Water Project 

For the first time in their lives, children at Kuzi village bath under a proper water supply at their community. PHOTO SUPPLIED.

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FIVE communities on Kolombangara Island in the Gizo/Kolombangara Constituency (GKC) is benefiting from a Constituency Development Fund (CDF) funded water supply project facilitated by their Member of Parliament (MP) Honourable Lanelle Olandrea Tanangada.

Women of Kalibae village now enjoy their newly installed water supply. PHOTO SUPPLIED.

The $400,000 investment commenced on the 18 of December 2022. It is 6.8 kilometre in distance and runs through Kuzi to Sarughobe communities with catchment areas including Tutusu, Kalibae and Tila Ridge including Leleana Resort. Total population of over 1300 is benefiting from this water project.

The project which is the first of its kind in the area will have a positive impact on the daily lives of individuals, families, schools, churches, including vulnerable groups such as women, children and persons with special needs.

Project Coordinator Hendrick Kabolo said work is progressing and nears completion.

“Our target is to complete it before official handing over which is planned for end of February 2023,” he said.

He said community support towards the project is exceptional. Communities provide additional support in terms of labour, gravel and timber.

(L-R) Director Governance of MRD George Hickson, Water Supply Project Coordinator Hendrick Kabolo, Ronnie Holland, Policy Secretary Resource Sector from PMO Jimson Tanangada and Director of Rural Development, MRD Milfred Delemani during a visit to the project site on Wednesday 25 January 2023. PHOTO SUPPLIED.

“This project is implemented through partnership with the hired private engineering company, the Constituency office and communities,” he added.

“This project is a great relief to our communities. For decades our villagers have to walk and paddle distances to collect fresh water for consumption. Women and our children risked their lives in rough seas and even rain when going out to fetch water from distance water sources.

“We use wells but they are not safe. Some of our water sources that we use to gather water from are also infiltrated by sea due to climate change effect. But thanks to our MP for addressing one of our community needs which is to guarantee we have access to safe and clean drinking water at our doorstep,” Mr Kabolo said.

Director for Rural Development Division of MRD Milfred Delemani and Director Governance Hickson George switch on one of the complete standpipes at Kalibae village. PHOTO SUPPLIED.

Mr Kabolo added that now that water has reached the communities, people can now slowly go into construction of proper sanitation.

Meanwhile, Director for Rural Development Division in the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) which administered the CDF programme Milfred Delemani said he is happy to see Gizo/Kolombanagra utilized its CDF allocation to such livelihood projects.

“We all know that water is a necessity for life. Access to clean and safe water is one of the sustainable development goals that Government through the Ministry of Rural Development is committed to achieving for our rural people,” Mr Delemani emphasized.

Project Coordinator Hendrick Kabolo switched on a completed standpipe. PHOTO SUPPLIED.

He said MRD is looking forward to working closely with GKC to make sure meaningful projects are delivered in the constituency to improve rural people’s livelihoods.

The water supply project involved the construction of a 40,000-litre reservoir tank, 40 standpipes in the communities and piping system by a hired private local engineering company with the support of communities.

This is the 4th water supply project funded by the constituency CDF allocation under the leadership of MP Tanangada who is also the Minister for the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development (MEHRD).

This is one of the wells that Kuzi community used for years prior to the arrival of a proper water supply at their village. PHOTO SUPPLIED.

The other three projects already completed and in use include: Sausepe water project, Jack Harbour water project and Nusa Baruku water project. All projects are fully funded by CDF.

– MRD Press 

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