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Weather and Climate Consultation Workshop Underway in Honiara

Group Photo of the Participants. Photo: Supplied.

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“EFFECTIVE climate services facilitate decisions that will reduce the impacts of climate-related disasters, improved food security, health outcome, and water resource management”

This statement was made by Dr. Melchior Mataki Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment Climate Change Disaster Management and Meteorology in his remarks to open a National Climate Outlook Forum on 16th November 2021 in Honiara.

Currently, Solomon Islands is trying to address the challenges of understanding climate predictions and the use of climate information to improve its own capabilities to better serve the needs of its people.

Today Climate Change plays an important role in informing decision-makers about how to reduce the impact of climate-related hazards, and it is essential for adaptation to climate variability and change.

“Effective climate services facilitate climate-smart decisions that will reduce the impact of climate change-related disasters, improve food security, outcome, and water resource management,” said PS Mataki.

Realizing these needs the World Meteorological Organization initiated the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) for four sectors that include Agriculture, Health, Disaster Risk Reduction, Water Resources, and the recent inclusion of Energy.

This framework is important for Solomon Islands given our crops, fish, and water that we depend on also depend on weather and climate.

In line with MECDMs corporate plan and the DCCG policy to “strengthen and support the national meteorological service,” the Ministry is continuing to expand its weather and climate observation network through support from UNDP.

The workshop was attended by various stakeholders from Fisheries, Water Resources, Agriculture, Health, Forestry and representatives Media, NGOs, and People with Disabilities.

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